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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The manuscript is organized and carefully revised in accordance with the Author Guidelines.
  • The submission has neither been previously published nor is it currently under review by another journal. The text of the manuscript will be checked for plagiarism using the iThenticate software.
  • The submission file is in .doc or .docx format.
  • The names, email addresses, affiliations, and ORCIDs of all Authors are verified and accurate.

Author Guidelines


Before submission, all authors should refer to the journal's policies and publication ethics. Please, read these policies very carefully.


Research papers: contain the results of original investigations, presented so that the experiments can be reproduced and analyzed and conclusions verified.

Preliminary communications: which contain results the character of which requires urgent publication; do not necessarily have to contain documentation required for complete verification of the results;

Review papers: give a complete presentation and analysis of a certain field or problem by previously published material.

Dataset and software papers: should provide detailed information on the origin, structure, and usage of the data or software being described, and include appropriate methods for accessing and utilizing the data or software in question.

The classification of the submitted paper is suggested by the author and is finally accepted by the editorial board by the referee's report.

The originality and novelty of the manuscript are mandatory for this journal. Sufficient results are important to justify the novelty of a high-quality journal paper. Please indicate the novelty of the paper in the Cover letter with an explanation of why you think that this article will be interesting to the professional public.

We also encourage the publication and sharing of negative or unexpected scientific results, as they contribute significantly to the advancement of science and scholarship.

Please avoid any text formatting because the COPY EDITOR will format the text according to the journal style. It is best to use Times New Roman 12 pt with a line spacing of 1.5.
Papers are published in English. If the quality of English does not meet the standards of the journal, the paper will be rejected before the evaluation procedure.


TITLE: The title should be concise, informative, and accurately reflect the content of the manuscript. It should be brief, typically no longer than 12-15 words, and should clearly convey the main topic of the research. To create an effective title: use clear and specific language (avoid jargon or technical terms that may be unfamiliar to the target audience); be descriptive (the title should give the reader a general idea of what the paper is about); be concise (long titles can be confusing); avoid abbreviations.

AUTHORS: Provide the Author's names, affiliations, email addresses, and ORCID identifiers for all authors to avoid ambiguity. We encourage authors to make specific attributions of contribution and responsibility in the acknowledgments of the article, otherwise, all co-authors will be taken to share full responsibility for all of the paper. Authors may wish to use a taxonomy such as CRediT to describe the contributions of each author.

ABSTRACT: A brief summary of the manuscript, that provides a clear overview of the objectives, methods, results, and conclusions of the research. The abstract should be about 150-250 words, with concise text in a single paragraph. Answer the questions: What problem did you study and why is it important? What methods did you use? What were your main results? And what conclusions can you draw from your results? Please include in your abstract more specific and quantitative results when it suits broader audiences. The abstract stands alone: no references, figures, tables, or equations are cited.

GRAPHICAL ABSTRACT: A graphical abstract is a mandatory component for submissions to the Metallurgical and Materials Data Journal, as it effectively conveys the key findings of your research and captures the attention of readers. You have two options for creating the abstract: 1) Utilize our FREE complimentary artwork design service by providing a brief description of the graphic summary, or 2) create and submit your own graphical abstract. Including a graphical abstract is essential for enhancing the visibility and impact of your work in the scientific community.

KEYWORDS: A list of 3-5 keywords that describe the main topic covered in the manuscript should be provided.

Database or Code URL (if applicable): provide the URL of the database or code used in the manuscript

INTRODUCTION: The introduction should provide a background of the research, the objectives of the study, and the significance of the research. The introduction section of a scientific manuscript is crucial because it sets the stage for the rest of the manuscript. It is the first section that readers will encounter, and it is here that the authors should provide background information on the research problem being addressed, the research gap they are attempting to fill, and the study's objectives and significance. It should provide context for the results and discussion that follow. The introduction should be well-structured and easy to follow, with the key points clearly highlighted.

The introduction should start with a broad overview of the field of research and gradually narrow down to the specific research problem being addressed. The authors should provide a clear and concise description of the research gap and explain why this gap is important to address. They should also clearly state the research objectives, which should be closely related to the research gap, and explain why these objectives are significant and relevant to the field of research.

The introduction should also provide a clear and concise overview of the methodology used in the study and explain how the results will contribute to the field of research. It should conclude with a clear statement of the research hypothesis or the research question being addressed in the study.


ORIGINALITY: The originality and novelty of the manuscript are mandatory for this journal. Sufficient results are important to justify the novelty of a high-quality journal paper. Please emphasize the paper's novelty in the final paragraph of the Introduction section, along with an explanation of why you believe this article will be interesting to the professional public.

METHODS: The methods section of a manuscript should provide a comprehensive and detailed description of the experimental procedures used to obtain the results. This information should be clear and complete enough that knowledgeable researchers could replicate the experiment. To make the methods section of your manuscript as effective as possible in ensuring replicability, it is important to consider the following:

Start with a brief overview: Begin the methods section with a brief overview of the experiment and its objectives. This helps the reader understand the context and goals of the experiment before diving into the details. Include any supporting information, such as flow charts, diagrams, or algorithms, that would help the reader understand the methods used.

Provide details on materials: provide a description and list all of the materials used in the experiment, including any commercial products and the suppliers, as well as any custom-made reagents, devices, or software.

Describe the experimental design: Explain the experimental design in detail, including the sample size and the number of replicates. It's important to describe the conditions under which the experiments were performed. Finally, it's a good idea to include any relevant quality control measures that were used to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data.

Explain the data collection process: Detail the steps involved in collecting the data, including the measurement procedures, instruments used, and any sample preparation steps. When describing analytical methods, it's important to be specific and provide enough detail to allow others to understand the procedures used. This can include information on the type of instrumentation used, such as spectrophotometers or mass spectrometers, as well as the specific models and manufacturers of these instruments. If any modifications or customizations were made to the instruments or equipment, these should also be described in detail. Report the statistical methods used in the analysis of the data, including any software programs used, and justify the choice of statistical methods.

Use consistent terminology: Use consistent terminology and symbols throughout the manuscript to ensure that the methods are clear and easy to follow.

RESULTS: should provide a clear and concise presentation of the results of the research study, including tables, figures, and graphs as appropriate.

Organization: The Results section should be well-organized and logically structured. Each result should be presented in a separate section or subsection, and the order of presentation should be coherent and meaningful.

Data presentation: The Results section should present the data in a clear and concise manner, using tables, figures, and graphs as appropriate. Data should be presented accurately and precisely, and any rounding or approximation of numbers should be indicated.

Limitations: The Results section should acknowledge any limitations of the study and the implications of these limitations for the results.

Relevance: The Results section should clearly demonstrate the relevance of the study to the field of metallurgy and materials engineering.

FIGURES AND TABLES: All figures and tables should be numbered and labeled, and they should be embedded in the main body of the manuscript.

Figures: The quality of figures should be high and clear. Figures should not be drawn in a Word file. Authors should provide figures in a suitable format during the COPY-EDITING STAGE., such as PNG, JPG, TIFF, EPS, or PDF. The resolution of figures should be high enough to ensure that they will be legible when printed. The size of the figures should be appropriate for the journal's format and should fit within the margins.

The letters and characters in the picture should be legible - the font size should be the same as the size in the manuscript text. In the text of the manuscript, refer to a figure as "Fig. xx." Place the Figure in an appropriate place in the text of the manuscript. The quality of Figures 2 and 3 is not sufficient to publish in this journal.

Tables: Tables should have a brief descriptive title. Large tables should be organized vertically to fit within the margins, avoiding borders.

Captions: Captions for figures and tables should be presented with more specific descriptions rather than general sentences. They should provide sufficient information to allow the reader to understand the figure without referring to the text. Captions should be placed below the figure and above the tables and should be numbered consecutively.

DISCUSSION: In the discussion section of a scientific paper, authors are expected to provide a comprehensive interpretation of their results, as well as to relate their findings to the broader context of their field of study. The authors should reflect on the significance of their findings and draw conclusions based on the results they obtained. It is important to use clear, concise language and to avoid overgeneralizing or making unsupported claims. The authors should also strive to maintain a critical and balanced perspective, considering both the strengths and limitations of their results.

Provide context: The first part of the discussion section should provide context for the study, explaining why it is important and what questions it aims to answer.

Summarize the results: The authors should summarize the main results of the study, highlighting key findings and their implications.

Interpret the results: The authors should interpret their results in the context of their hypothesis, research question, or objectives. They should explain the significance of their findings and highlight any unexpected outcomes. The authors should interpret the results in light of previous research in the field, explaining how the results of their study contribute to the existing body of knowledge. They should also discuss any unexpected results and offer explanations for these outcomes. Authors should cite relevant literature to support their interpretations. Authors should also consider the potential applications of their results.

Discuss limitations: The authors should acknowledge the limitations of their study and the limitations of their results. They should discuss potential sources of error and the generalizability of their findings.

Draw conclusions: The authors should draw conclusions based on the results of the study and their interpretation of the data. They should also provide recommendations for future research and improvement.

CONCLUSION: The conclusion section is a summary of the most important findings of the study and should be independent of the main text, without tables, figures, or references. It should be concise and clearly emphasize the most important results. Ensure that the conclusion is logically consistent with the results and discussion and that it reinforces the main message of the study.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: A section where authors can express gratitude to individuals or institutions that have supported their work.

FUNDING: A section where authors can disclose any funding sources that supported their work.

DATA AVAILABILITY: A section where authors can specify the availability of any data or materials used in their work.

REFERENCES AND CITING: An updated and complete literature review (at least 50% in the last 5 years) should be conducted to present the state-of-the-art and knowledge gaps in the research, with strong relevance to the topic of the paper. In terms of the types of references to be used, scientific journal articles are preferred. It is critical to ensure that all reference details are correct and complete, as each character is important.

For the references section, authors should follow the Chicago style of citation.

Online citation generators: Many online tools, such as EasyBib and Citation Machine, can help format references in the Chicago style.

PROOFREADING: Proofreading by an English speaker should be conducted to improve both language and organization quality.

ABBREVIATIONS: Please avoid using abbreviations or define them in the TITLE, HIGHLIGHTS, ABSTRACT, and CONCLUSION, if possible.

UNITS: SI units shall be used.

APPENDIX: is a section at the end of a paper where additional, supplementary material can be included. This material can include detailed calculations, additional data sets, or supporting information that would not fit into the main text.

Purpose: Clearly explain the purpose of the appendix and why it is necessary for the paper.

Content: The appendix should only contain relevant, useful information that supports the main text. Avoid including irrelevant or unnecessary information.

Formatting: Make sure the appendix is properly formatted and easy to read. This can include headings, subheadings, bullet points, or tables and figures.

Naming Conventions: Provide clear, descriptive names for each appendix. For example, "Appendix A: Supporting Data Sets" or "Appendix B: Detailed Calculations".

Numbering: Number each appendix in the order it appears in the paper, starting with "Appendix A".

Reference: If the appendix contains information that is cited in the main text, include a reference to the appendix in the citation.

Length: Keep the appendix as concise as possible while still including all necessary information. Large, lengthy appendices can make it difficult for readers to find the information they need.

In general, the appendix should be used sparingly and only for information that cannot be included in the main text.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.