Sphalerite Leaching in Acid Media: a Review
The reserves of rich ores, from which the production of zinc by the existing conventional roasting-leaching-electrowinning process is technologically possible and economically justified, are decreasing year by year. For this reason, increasing attention has been directed towards researching the possibility of obtaining zinc from complex polymetallic ores with a low metal content, adhering to sustainable development goals following strict environmental regulations. Leaching procedures are commonly utilized for the processing of such mineral raw materials.
As sphalerite is the widespread and most significant mineral of zinc sulfide, a large part of the research focuses on studying the behavior of sphalerite in the leaching process. This paper reviews the existing knowledge about the leaching of sphalerite in acidic solutions as well as the phenomena accompanying the dissolution process. Special attention is given to research related to the kinetics and mechanism of sphalerite oxidation in an acidic medium influenced by various oxidants, such as hydrogen peroxide, oxygen, dichromate ions, nitrate and nitrite ions, ferric and cupric ions, and others. All these results enable the development of new technological procedures to produce zinc from low-grade and complex ores while meeting increasingly rigorous environmental requirements.
sphalerite, acid solution, oxidative leaching, kinetics, mechanismReferences
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Copyright (c) 2023 Miroslav D. Sokić, Mladen Bugarčić, Aleksandar A. Jovanović

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