Dr. Corby Anderson

Dr. Corby Anderson

Dr. Corby Anderson holds an impressive profile, combining a rich blend of extensive practical engineering experience with remarkable academic achievements. As a registered engineer with 37 years of expertise, he's demonstrated professional acumen in process, chemical, and metallurgical engineering, among other specializations. Dr. Anderson's global footprint spans across various continents, providing invaluable technical contributions to nations like Namibia, Slovakia, Kazakhstan, Chile, the United Kingdom, and many more.

Dr. Anderson has distinguished himself through the development and implementation of innovative hydrometallurgical technologies. He's known for his roles as Chief Process Engineer at Sunshine Mining and Refining Company and Director at the Center for Advanced Mineral and Metallurgical Processing at Montana Tech. His numerous scientific papers and patent applications underscore his dedication to creating and sharing knowledge.

Apart from his practical experience, Dr. Anderson has also excelled in academia. He has been a full research professor at Montana Tech and a tenured professor at the Colorado School of Mines. Over his career, he has supervised several doctoral and master's students, authored numerous scientific papers, and made significant contributions to various professional organizations.

His efforts have been recognized on numerous occasions, with awards such as the 1996 Extraction and Processing Technology Award from TMS, the Montana Tech Distinguished Alumni Award, and the Milton E. Wadsworth Award for Chemical Metallurgy, among others.
